Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts of Men? The Shadow (Budget) Does

Alrighty - so we're taking a little license this time, borrowing a bit from the tag line of an old radio-days radio show, The Shadow 

But, this blog entry is not about The Shadow - it's about the Shadow Budget, loosely translated as the mountains of cash and credit our own Federal Reserve has put "into" the financial stream of commerce, and how, and why, and who's benefitted and benefitting from this quasi-governmental largesse.

And, no, you won't have to read through my rehashed Zzoottlandese to get to the nitty-gritty gospel truth - rather, like the aggregator zzoott somtimes is, you're being redirected to the venerable Rolling Stone Magazine for a pre-read of the article that hits the stands on Friday, April 15:  Please pardon the zzootted one for the bits of vulgar language the author apparently feels must be salted into popular reporting in order to actually be read - personally, it's plenty zzootty without the bow to base language.

So - who actually does know what evil lurks in the hearts of men - and, apparently, women - you decide.

Now that's zzootty!