Not Quite Zzootty - but funny, nevertheless....Closer from a Craigslist Ad
This is the actual closing paragrpah from a recent Craigslist ad:
SPAMMERS/SCAMMERS, I'LL MAKE YOU A DEAL: I won't spam you, if you don't spam me. What do you say, deal? Besides, I already laundered money for the prince of a small foreign country. He was a nice enough guy, but he didn't come through on his end of the bargain. I already bought all of those "enhancing" pills, they didn't seem to work for me. I tried the job that was offered that would make me thousands of dollars per week, and the police officer said I probably shouldn't do it anymore. I already saw you naked, if I want to see it again, I'll contact you.
Here's a link to the actual ad:
Might be that ol' zzoott will have to do a piece on all the spammers and scammers on Craigslist, and what Craigslist administrators and users are doing to block it or fight back against the scheming scammer-spammer-phishers of the Craigslist world.
SPAMMERS/SCAMMERS, I'LL MAKE YOU A DEAL: I won't spam you, if you don't spam me. What do you say, deal? Besides, I already laundered money for the prince of a small foreign country. He was a nice enough guy, but he didn't come through on his end of the bargain. I already bought all of those "enhancing" pills, they didn't seem to work for me. I tried the job that was offered that would make me thousands of dollars per week, and the police officer said I probably shouldn't do it anymore. I already saw you naked, if I want to see it again, I'll contact you.
Here's a link to the actual ad:
Might be that ol' zzoott will have to do a piece on all the spammers and scammers on Craigslist, and what Craigslist administrators and users are doing to block it or fight back against the scheming scammer-spammer-phishers of the Craigslist world.